I love to research and learn how brain can be engaged in the classroom learning . Learning happens when children are feeling safe and good about activities they do.The resources I create for my students focus on making learning fun while focusing on critical and higher order thinking skills. Doing my best to help them stay in an inspired and motivated mental states gives me an immense deal of satisfaction. It inspires me to see them inspired and happy. I love to see young minds staying engaged and curious in my classroom. I thought it would be nice to share what works in my classroom to engage kids in creative and meaningful learning process. Also, I would love to share some kind of freebie on my blog from the resources I create for my storefront on Teachers Pay Teachers while I share how do I use them in my classroom and what kind of response I get from the kids.

Subject Verb Agreement: Building Language Skills

Subject verb agreement  needs a lot of practice in elementary classrooms to really smarten up kids language skills. I often find kids in elementary school making errors in subject-verb agreement in both present and past tense sentences.An effective learning happens when teachers have resources that not only transfer the skills but also helps them to review and assess the level of student's understanding. I created Subject-Verb Agreement Game Organizers to  not only deliver the lesson goals  but also to help me assess
the depth of students' understanding. I always feel that learning happens when the resources are kid friendly and engages their curiosity with a purposeful fun! Game organizers are engaging, fun and great for learning and assessment at the same time. These could be used for literacy centers, homework, collaborative activity, supplementary work, independent activity as well as for review and assessment.

In my class, I displayed through projector the Template  below and let kids choose an image they would like to create a sentence with to practise present tense or past tense subject-verb agreement.


This was the good opportunity to write the correct and incorrect sentences on the white  board to explain the concepts. Once, students had enough background built, I distributed the  Game Organizer shown below and chose to do it as as a buddy activity.



2 (1)

I used  the Teacher Sheet below to demonstrate how they would be using their subject verb agreement organizers and their Score Recording Sheets as they read aloud the directions printed on their game organizers.


I always distribute the Score Recording Sheets and the Answer Key (shown below) after both partners have finished their Subject Verb Agreement Organizers to keep it more organized activity. In the meantime if one kid has finished earlier, he could either color the pictures on the organizer or create more sentences in the blank boxes to stay engaged.

 Once all partners have finished checking the answers and recording scores for their buddies.


They wrote their names on the Score Recording Sheets. I collected the Recording Sheets to assess each kid's level of understanding and used them as an opportunity to review in the next lesson where the gaps were seen in each student's learning process.

You can find this resource here or click the Resource  Image below:


Cause and Effect Task Cards Made it Easier

 Click to see Cause and Effect Task CatdsCause and Effect is not an easy concept to teach kids in the elementary classrooms. However, I was able to give some shape to the concept for my elementary class  through the task cards  and the poster I created to introduce the concept of Cause and Effect. Kids had a good laugh while investigating The Case of the Missing Teeth. Kids came up with various reasons for the missing teeth during brainstorming session like eating too much sweets, banging the mouth accidentally against something sharp, lack of brushing teeth etc. It was good starting as they understood what had happened to the teeth had reasons and causes. 
I loved the interaction in the classroom causing laughter and smiles while giving me more reasons to love what I do!

After brainstorming, we did a pair work activity in which the Cause and Effect Task Cards were equally divided among the pairs for pair share activity. Each member of the pair share activity would place one  set of cards in each turn in front of the other member and ask a question" Which card is a cause and which card is an effect? They record their answers in the recording sheet to be checked later from the answer key. I usually demonstrate to them how to do this activity before they start doing it. Once they are finished doing it and have some idea around the concept of Cause and Effect, I would read a paragraph from a story (mostly the middle of the story to point out how writers create problems and events in the story through cause and effect) and create a class discussion around identifying causes and effects by asking questions. Then the class either works in groups or pairs to discuss story problems and events and identify causes and effects.
(Click the Image to Know More About Cause and Effect Task Cards)

Cause and Effect Task Cards Made it Easier

 Click to see Cause and Effect Task CatdsCause and Effect is not an easy concept to teach kids in the elementary classrooms. However, I was able to give some shape to the concept for my elementary class  through the task cards  and the poster I created to introduce the concept of Cause and Effect. Kids had a good laugh while investigating The Case of the Missing Teeth. Kids came up with various reasons for the missing teeth during brainstorming session like eating too much sweets, banging the mouth accidentally against something sharp, lack of brushing teeth etc. It was good starting as they understood what had happened to the teeth had reasons and causes. 
I loved the interaction in the classroom causing laughter and smiles while giving me more reasons to love what I do!

After brainstorming, we did a pair work activity in which the Cause and Effect Task Cards were equally divided among the pairs for pair share activity. Each member of the pair share activity would place one  set of cards in each turn in front of the other member and ask a question" Which card is a cause and which card is an effect? They record their answers in the recording sheet to be checked later from the answer key. I usually demonstrate to them how to do this activity before they start doing it. Once they are finished doing it and have some idea around the concept of Cause and Effect, I would read a paragraph from a story (mostly the middle of the story to point out how writers create problems and events in the story through cause and effect) and create a class discussion around identifying causes and effects by asking questions. Then the class either works in groups or pairs to discuss story problems and events and identify causes and effects.
(Click the Image to Know More About Cause and Effect Task Cards)

Blog Relaunch Giveaway

I am delighted to be a part of 500 Followers and Blog Relaunch Giveaway with Daisy Designs. She has recreated a beautiful blog.

 I will be donating $10 worth of products from my TpT Store in this giveaway. This will be a great opportunity to win some of my best selling resources along with other fabulous participating stores . You can enter the rafflecopter at the end of the post to win products of your choice. I would recommend
Phonics CVC Ready to Use Printables and Verbs as must have for your elementary class if your students still struggle with the concepts of action and helping verbs. This also includes another verbs product Verbs Practice (Irregular) from my store to help kids with regular and irregular verbs practice. However, you are free to select any products you need for immediate use in your classroom.
(Click Image Below to See the Product)

 Verbs Practice (Irregular Verbs)

I wish you all the best! Enter the Giveaway Below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Blog Relaunch Giveaway

I am delighted to be a part of 500 Followers and Blog Relaunch Giveaway with Daisy Designs. She has recreated a beautiful blog.

 I will be donating $10 worth of products from my TpT Store in this giveaway. This will be a great opportunity to win some of my best selling resources along with other fabulous participating stores . You can enter the rafflecopter at the end of the post to win products of your choice. I would recommend
Phonics CVC Ready to Use Printables and Verbs as must have for your elementary class if your students still struggle with the concepts of action and helping verbs. This also includes another verbs product Verbs Practice (Irregular) from my store to help kids with regular and irregular verbs practice. However, you are free to select any products you need for immediate use in your classroom.
(Click Image Below to See the Product)

 Verbs Practice (Irregular Verbs)

I wish you all the best! Enter the Giveaway Below!

Back to School Bloghop Giveaway

Summer holidays are great time to rejuvenate our senses so that we could get back to school with fresh enthusiasm and creativity. New ideas and new resources are what teachers are always looking for to engage kids in a fun and safe environments. I found that elementary kids are always excited to talk about animals and pets as it fascinates their fanciful imagination any time of the year. So, I thought of starting my class this year with Writing Prompts on the animal theme. It's not only about sharing experiences or ideas around animals but these give kids opportunity to explore emotions and develop emotional intelligence and empathy. Fun part is they get to color them!

I got this great opportunity to collaborate with Droppin Knowledge and be a part of Back to School Blog Hop  Giveaway. 

 Droppin' Knowledge Blog Hop Giveaway

So,  I decided to giveaway this very effective resource in the rafflecopter giveaway.  I have also done a blogpost of this product in action Click here to read

Also peek at Back to School Writing Prompts for Fun Writing by Clicking Here
Participate in the giveaway to win fabulous resources by awesome teachers
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hop on! Click on the Image below for Awesome Surprises

Back to School Bloghop Giveaway

Summer holidays are great time to rejuvenate our senses so that we could get back to school with fresh enthusiasm and creativity. New ideas and new resources are what teachers are always looking for to engage kids in a fun and safe environments. I found that elementary kids are always excited to talk about animals and pets as it fascinates their fanciful imagination any time of the year. So, I thought of starting my class this year with Writing Prompts on the animal theme. It's not only about sharing experiences or ideas around animals but these give kids opportunity to explore emotions and develop emotional intelligence and empathy. Fun part is they get to color them!

I got this great opportunity to collaborate with Droppin Knowledge and be a part of Back to School Blog Hop  Giveaway. 

 Droppin' Knowledge Blog Hop Giveaway

So,  I decided to giveaway this very effective resource in the rafflecopter giveaway.  I have also done a blogpost of this product in action Click here to read

Also peek at Back to School Writing Prompts for Fun Writing by Clicking Here
Participate in the giveaway to win fabulous resources by awesome teachers

Hop on! Click on the Image below for Awesome Surprises

Turn Your Beliefs to Actions

I am a big believer in the  power of beliefs and how they shape our reality. Having gone through some transpersonal experiences, I understood through my direct experiences how our unconscious mind regulates majority of things we manifest in our lives and how we can regulate our lives through conscious living. I experimented with my belief power through vision boards, affirmations and a lot of awareness practices and self reflection.


I figured out our life is a playground if we choose to take responsibility for whatever happens to us and look at it through the lense of cause and effect with open mind. When we begin to feel responsible for our lives and actions, we begin to make positive choices in the worst of scenarios and challenges. This is what I call Empowerment and I try each day to realise it in my role  as a teacher as well. 

I believe teaching can be Fun and Ease when we begin to connect learning activities with Fun and Games. I always try to figure out ways to make an activity interactive and fun through bringing some game element into it. Elementary kids respond best I believe when there is fun and they are unconsciously learning with more enthusiasm and motivation. 

Trying to live upto my beliefs is what inspires me to be creative in whatever I teach and how I respond to challenges. 
Continue on to Beliefs to Action Blog Hop by visiting Burkes Special Kids Blog  by Clicking Here

Turn Your Beliefs to Actions

I am a big believer in the  power of beliefs and how they shape our reality. Having gone through some transpersonal experiences, I understood through my direct experiences how our unconscious mind regulates majority of things we manifest in our lives and how we can regulate our lives through conscious living. I experimented with my belief power through vision boards, affirmations and a lot of awareness practices and self reflection.


I figured out our life is a playground if we choose to take responsibility for whatever happens to us and look at it through the lense of cause and effect with open mind. When we begin to feel responsible for our lives and actions, we begin to make positive choices in the worst of scenarios and challenges. This is what I call Empowerment and I try each day to realise it in my role  as a teacher as well. 

I believe teaching can be Fun and Ease when we begin to connect learning activities with Fun and Games. I always try to figure out ways to make an activity interactive and fun through bringing some game element into it. Elementary kids respond best I believe when there is fun and they are unconsciously learning with more enthusiasm and motivation. 

Trying to live upto my beliefs is what inspires me to be creative in whatever I teach and how I respond to challenges. 
Continue on to Beliefs to Action Blog Hop by visiting Burkes Special Kids Blog  by Clicking Here

Star Kid Classroom Reward Stickers

Let the kids in your classroom shine with pride as you stick on their worksheets these Star Kid Stickers to reward them for their good behavior or for their good work or for their participation. I created these glossy stickers to reward kids in my classroom and saw instantaneous desire among kids to win and collect more of them. 

These Glossy Finish Star Kid Stickers come in a pack of 20 stickers.  Click to Purchase Stickers Now! and Add Smiles in Your Classroom as You Distribute Them Around!

Star Kid Classroom Reward Stickers

Let the kids in your classroom shine with pride as you stick on their worksheets these Star Kid Stickers to reward them for their good behavior or for their good work or for their participation. I created these glossy stickers to reward kids in my classroom and saw instantaneous desire among kids to win and collect more of them. 

These Glossy Finish Star Kid Stickers come in a pack of 20 stickers.  Click to Purchase Stickers Now! and Add Smiles in Your Classroom as You Distribute Them Around!

Valentines Day Fun Freebie

Fun and Easy Literacy Center Ideas for February! Let Kids Have Some Fun on Valentine's Day As They Learn Essential Skills!
(FREEBIE Download Link at the End of this Post)

I am so excited to share the Valentines Day Fun Packet (71 Pages) that focuses on helping kids practice basic literacy skills in an easy but fun way. Kids found it fun to practice identifying nouns and verbs by coloring the Cupid's hearts with two different colors to identify Nouns and Verbs. They felt proud to be of some help to Cupid! Penny the Pig Worksheets offered practice with changing singular nouns into plurals through cut and paste as well as through filling in the blanks. Lush the Fish needed the kids help to blow the heart bubbles through sequencing the words on them to make simple sentences. Then, they write the sentences on the worksheet! 
Tatter the Caterpillar was great fun to work with as kids  had to spell the words on hearts and then color the correct sounds to make spellings. Coloring the pictures to identify the position words gives an opportunity to  visually comprehend the word and makes it easy to remember! Chunky the Monkey Worksheets could help kids with punctuation and Subject/Verb Agreement. I am also giving away a FREEBIE (available for download at the end of this Post) that includes a few pages from this packet. If you like it, you can learn more about it at my TpT Store (Click the Image Below to Visit TpT Store)

 Click the Image to Learn More

Now it's time to share the Freebie I promised! Click the Image Below to Access Valentines Day Fun Pages! If you like it, You can purchase it from my TpT Store

 Click the Image To Download Valentines Day Freebie

Follow my Blog for More FREEBIES and UPDATES! I Look Forward to Hear What You Think About This FREEBIE! Kindly Leave Some Comments Below :))

Valentines Day Fun Freebie

Fun and Easy Literacy Center Ideas for February! Let Kids Have Some Fun on Valentine's Day As They Learn Essential Skills!
(FREEBIE Download Link at the End of this Post)

I am so excited to share the Valentines Day Fun Packet (71 Pages) that focuses on helping kids practice basic literacy skills in an easy but fun way. Kids found it fun to practice identifying nouns and verbs by coloring the Cupid's hearts with two different colors to identify Nouns and Verbs. They felt proud to be of some help to Cupid! Penny the Pig Worksheets offered practice with changing singular nouns into plurals through cut and paste as well as through filling in the blanks. Lush the Fish needed the kids help to blow the heart bubbles through sequencing the words on them to make simple sentences. Then, they write the sentences on the worksheet! 
Tatter the Caterpillar was great fun to work with as kids  had to spell the words on hearts and then color the correct sounds to make spellings. Coloring the pictures to identify the position words gives an opportunity to  visually comprehend the word and makes it easy to remember! Chunky the Monkey Worksheets could help kids with punctuation and Subject/Verb Agreement. I am also giving away a FREEBIE (available for download at the end of this Post) that includes a few pages from this packet. If you like it, you can learn more about it at my TpT Store (Click the Image Below to Visit TpT Store)

 Click the Image to Learn More

Now it's time to share the Freebie I promised! Click the Image Below to Access Valentines Day Fun Pages! If you like it, You can purchase it from my TpT Store

 Click the Image To Download Valentines Day Freebie

Follow my Blog for More FREEBIES and UPDATES! I Look Forward to Hear What You Think About This FREEBIE! Kindly Leave Some Comments Below :))