the depth of students' understanding. I always feel that learning happens when the resources are kid friendly and engages their curiosity with a purposeful fun! Game organizers are engaging, fun and great for learning and assessment at the same time. These could be used for literacy centers, homework, collaborative activity, supplementary work, independent activity as well as for review and assessment.
In my class, I displayed through projector the Template below and let kids choose an image they would like to create a sentence with to practise present tense or past tense subject-verb agreement.

This was the good opportunity to write the correct and incorrect sentences on the white board to explain the concepts. Once, students had enough background built, I distributed the Game Organizer shown below and chose to do it as as a buddy activity.

I used the Teacher Sheet below to demonstrate how they would be using their subject verb agreement organizers and their Score Recording Sheets as they read aloud the directions printed on their game organizers.

I always distribute the Score Recording Sheets and the Answer Key (shown below) after both partners have finished their Subject Verb Agreement Organizers to keep it more organized activity. In the meantime if one kid has finished earlier, he could either color the pictures on the organizer or create more sentences in the blank boxes to stay engaged.

Once all partners have finished checking the answers and recording scores for their buddies.
They wrote their names on the Score Recording Sheets. I collected the Recording Sheets to assess each kid's level of understanding and used them as an opportunity to review in the next lesson where the gaps were seen in each student's learning process.
You can find this resource here or click the Resource Image below: