I love to research and learn how brain can be engaged in the classroom learning . Learning happens when children are feeling safe and good about activities they do.The resources I create for my students focus on making learning fun while focusing on critical and higher order thinking skills. Doing my best to help them stay in an inspired and motivated mental states gives me an immense deal of satisfaction. It inspires me to see them inspired and happy. I love to see young minds staying engaged and curious in my classroom. I thought it would be nice to share what works in my classroom to engage kids in creative and meaningful learning process. Also, I would love to share some kind of freebie on my blog from the resources I create for my storefront on Teachers Pay Teachers while I share how do I use them in my classroom and what kind of response I get from the kids.

Positively Pinspiring Inspirations

Yesterday, I worked with my lower elementary kids  around how to create their ELA interactive notebooks and they had great fun doing some interactive activities as I modeled for them to help them get a hang of it. The participation and engagement was awesome and delightful for everyone in the process. It is always an emergence of FUN and FLOW of LOVE  on seeing kids learning and laughing at the same time. It makes me believe I'm doing it right in a brain friendly way as there is ease and enjoyment in the learning process.

Today I'm linking up with Mrs Plemons Kindergarten for my first Positively Pinspiring Post.

I found some great Tips and Tricks  for the Teachers who want to introduce Interactive Notebooking in their classroom as I was researching to introduce it in my classroom
I love the way Mrs. Olson demonstrates Tips for Organizing Interactive Notebooks

I was relaxed on discovering how to structure the procedures in my classroom for interactive notebooking. This resource is helpful to start introducing interactive notebooking with ease in your classroom.

You can rely on the above resources if you are reflecting upon the idea of introducing hands on learning in your class. I'm sure you will save a lot of time and enjoy implementing it with practicality and ease. I have recently created Describing Characters Graphic Organizers which are a great addition to interactive notebooking experience. These could be used as printables or with little creativity, the templates could be cut to adore kids interactive notebooks.
 Describing Characters Graphic Organizers

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. It's great to link up with Mrs Plemons Kindergarten!

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